Sigh. I am so, so tired. I am feeling so, so fat. And so, so frustrated and futile.
On a happier thread... yesterday at work I got to share a little bit of the Lord with a co-worker. He is a rather interesting fellow. I have casually engaged him in conversation before, but, I found him highly annoying and the type of person I would rather not talk to. But, yesterday while I was eating, we kinda had to eat together, so I thought I might as well make the best out of it. He was saying how he is a athiest, and how he doesn't believe in the military.
When I asked him why, he said he would prefer not to talk about it because I wouldn't understand. When I explained that my Dad's family is pacifist's, and my Mother is a Jehovah's Witness, he opened up and shared a few more details. Instead of attacking is very flawed theology. I shared a very abbrieviated, condensed version of my testimony. Simply stating that I knew Jesus Christ was real because I had seen His power in my life. Thankfully, I was able to share it in a manner that did not seem condemning or condescending. After I finished, I could see in his eyes that he really understood, and wasn't just humoring me. So, you never know, maybe I planted a seed...
On the other hand, work kinda sucks because I found out what a jerk my boss is. He is nice enough, but married and enjoys hitting on this chick that used to work there. And it is a common known fact he would like to get into bed with her. To quote someone "he isn't attracted to her, he just wants to screw her." Yay! That leaves me feeling real confident about my management.
I am sitting here feeling like a fat ugly blob. I just checked my cellulite growth and I have a veritiable farm growing on my butt. Sadly enough, I cannot harvest it. And, I cannot remember the last time I ate a live vegtable. Sad, but true.
Well, I have to go study for Monday's tests.