I love having things in my life to look forward to. But I hate having good things come to an end.
I love hastening the dreary days by anticipating the next enjoyable moment. But I hate the way those moments end so quickly.
The problem with always anticipating the next wondeful things is the quiet times inbetween go by unnoticed. Life passes you by so much faster. It is marked by the huge events.
I have decided I need to savor EVERY moment, not just the great ones, not just the ones I look forward to. Every little moment, even when I am stressed and pulling my hair out, there will be a time when I will look back longingly. So I need to take this moment, right now, and cherish it for what it's worth. Be grateful for the littlest thing. My nice smelling hand lotion, a song I like on the radio, a yummy bit of food, there is so much I can be happy about. I do not need to find the next exciting thing, I can be happy as I am, in this moment.
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