I feel like I should be writing "Dear Diary, everyone hates me and I don't know why..."
Instead, I will puzzle my thoughts aloud onto my blog.
First of all, I know I haven't been the easiest person in the world to live with the past few days, but I have been trying! I try to avoid people when I am in a foul modd to avoid the "What the heck is your problem?" converestions and questions.
Dad seems to have a unusual amount of consternation about my social life, which as a father, I can understand his concern. But when he probes for things, I usually know what he is looking for, but this time I honestly do not know what he is looking for. Sometimes, I think it is the exaggerations and worries of older sisters that give way to allot of his concerns.
He mentioned that he has cautions about me being at the Nelson's which I can fully understand, but what he does not, nor do Laura and Joy understand is that I get so bored and lonely. Doing stuff with the family is great, I love it at times! But it isn't the same as doing stuff with people your age, or just hanging out. And everyone in the family is so busy now anyway.
Laura is busy with work, Kate and Jared. Joy is overwhelmed with pageants, Matt, landlording and school. Teresa has school starting up as well as a zillion other things, and Dad is equally busy.
I know he is worried about me that I might be doing less than savory activites, but I'm not! I swear! I just like being around people, and there seems to be a severe shortage of those.
Besides, once school starts I am sure I am not going to have time to do anything anyway. ANYTHING. I was just trying to do a few last fun things with the last summer that I had as being anything remotely like a teenager. Oh well.
I think what suprises me the most is that Dad normally doesn't worry about me unless he has just cause. Maybe he does and I just don't realize it.
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