Reasons Not To Get A Triple Shot Frappicino At 9:30 PM
Published 21.5.05 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
1. It would make you one step closer to being an idiot/genius on par with Porkchop.
2. You will be up into the wee hours baking five hundred plus cookies.
3. You will be baking cookies, joyfully, because it gives you something to do, using up all this energy.
4. You will never be able to look at cookie dough the same.
5. Porkchop, will, however, have the headstart, since she has a destination for the cookies.
Nervous energy, even at one in the morning, can be rather addictive. I should probably find something more productive to do with it than bake cookies. For instance, I COULD EXERCISE. Or I could write deep thought-provoking posts. Only problem being, I do not write deep posts very well when my brain is caffeine addled. And, if I wrote anything deep and profoud my readers would flee in sheer boredom. Lastly, if I wrote anything deep and profound, everyone who I love and adore, would go into such shock, they would probably die.
Now that I have created a logical case against actual thought process for Porkchop, I can abide in a blissful state of stupendious ignorance. Or I could shut up and go to bed. Or I could try and make myself diabetic, by eating every single cookie in sight. Or I could go and FIND a box to ship these cookies overseas in. Or I could just shut up and go to bed. And stop adding ammunition for the arguement that I am pathetic, simply because I have nothing better to do than bake cookies and make senseless rambling posts at one am on a Saturday morning.
So this is me shutting up. (BUT NOT GOING TO SLEEP.)
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