As usual, my incredibly brilliant brother has been able to find a practical use for even the most frivilous of my endeavors. He emailed me
Yes, I could charge for an outgoing link. No, apparently I am not working quite as hard to keep traffic up or be linked to. Yes, it looks as if ONE WHOLE PERSON has unlinked me (whoever you are, I will hunt you down and sink my little porky chops into you!) recently.
But really, he simply likes to use this as another tool to underscore the fact there are strange people out there who like to read what I have written AND comment. And there are strange people out there who acknowledge my noticably lesser intellgence and existance. (Though many, including Dave, with harshly debate the former attribute, and plead for the latter to become a lie.)
Yes, my wee brother, this is the life! You can have value as a LINK WHORE.
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