I pride myself in the resemblance I bear, in words, actions and looks, to my father. Laura frequently comments that I should have been named the feminine form of my father's name. The things that my sister's rolled their eyes at, laughed at and were generally to wise to do, I have taken up in the spirit of his youth.
We do things like feed seagull's alkiseltzer (in the hopes they will explode), smoke cigars and yesterday I extracted a promise from him to take me bridge jumping. The one thing I will not do WITH him, since he is my father, but will, eventually, in the spirit of preserving his legacy. Skinny dipping. But that is another story for another day. He is, at times, slightly worried that I will do something a TINY bit dangerous and
get arrested hurt myself.
So. When HE got his license suspension notification in the mail, I was more than pleased. After the glowers of disproval that came with MY license suspension, I was quite smug.
Until I saw my matching suspension next to his.
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