The replies to my
voicemail message have been varied and interesting.
There are those who aren't really sure I am kidding, so they clearly outline the last four times they have called me, just to make sure my blood is not on their hands. Then there are the perfect strangers who leave rather short startled messages, not really sure of what to say. But the best, are those who know me well.
Starbucks Boy's Message:
My condolances to Porkchop. Once a beautiful young lady who lived on the East Coast and used to make my day by coming into Starbucks and getting coffee from me. Has three beautiful sisters, all intelligent,
one didn't know what kind of guy she wanted to date, so she always dated the worst kind. All in all, Porkchop will be missed. She is survived by lots of guys who probably wanted her and will never have her.
Queen Of Slackers:
Poor baby.
I'll send some plastic flowers to your grave. Mkay?
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