Today I sit at my desk contemplating the vastness of eternity and the brevity of our human lives.
As a young person, it is so easy for me to fall into the mindset that "I have my whole life ahead of me!" But you only have ONE life, one life to accomplish great things. Look at the people who have changed our culture, they only had one life, and they had to dedicate it to hard work and perserverence.
Most people forget and fritter away the youthful and most productive years of their lives by having un. You only get those years once! Maximize them! Why do we act as if we are going to get a second chance at life?
It boggles my mind to see the life-altering decisions young people make, only to look back and wish they had thought it through, or heeded the advice of the older, sometimes wiser generation.
I believe in a generation of quick convenience, it has erased from our reality the permanence of eternity. It seems that their is a cure for everything, nothing is permanent, and everything can be dealth with. It has caused people to forget that eternity cannot be handled in such a flippant manner.
Each of us will stand before God to answer for every one of the decisions we made. Wheter sober or durnk, trivial or important. For that matter, there is no such thing as a trivial decision.
But this is something I have to continually remind myself, every day I choose how I will influence the world.
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