I must admit, that my sisters and I have dated guys that we met on the internet, but, here are a few tips for faring a bit better than we did.
To Avoid Rednecks: Say no immediately, if, on his internet profile he says he regularly hangs out at the Redman Lodge, Lions Club, Kiwanas Club or spends most of his time playing Deer Hunter Video Games. Big Clue.
To Avoid Perverts: Say no immediately, if, when asked what his favorite activity is, he says "sex." Or tells informs you that your ears are sexy. Big Clue.
To Avoid Overly-Sensitive Guys: Say no immediately, if, he says he burst into tears upon gazing at your picture. "Your beauty is truly inspiring." Big Clue.
To Avoid Complete Loser's: Say no immediately, if, he thinks sporadic IMing constitutes a relationship. That breaking up thing is hard to do WHEN THERE IS NOTHING TO BREAK UP. Big Clue.
To Avoid Dieting Demon: Say no immediately, if, he counts his calories more religiously and eats more lettuce than you have ever seen a rabbit consume. The entire date will be spent agonizing over low-calorie menu choices. When he says "Are you SURE you want to get that? It's very calorie laden!" BIG CLUE.
Learn from the mistakes of older and wiser women. And we would just like to give a quick little thanks to Luke I, Luke II, Cody, Derek, Mel, Doug, Eric, Matt and Andrew for making it so easy to hate you.
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