The sudden quietness and lack of posting is largely due to the fact I have been swamped beyond belief at work. Namely because, as my boss likes to say "We are Dumb and Dumber. We do everyone else's job, and still let them give us more work. Yes, we are definately the idiots here." Her words, not mine.
But, distracting me from my self-slave driving is the fact I have this fat, no, make that HUGE, fly buzzing around my office. Flies don't just annoy be, I desest them. I hate them. They make me angry and frustrated. Paticularly fat ones. The ones that buzz and crawl lazily about while you are diligently working. But, they manage to move fast enough so you cannot kill them.
I have commenced to trying to kill them by trying to hit this silly fly, flicking this silly fly, throwing pens at this silly fly and I am on the verge of taking up knife throwing AT THIS SILLY FLY.
I think the clearly outlines my state of mind, or lack thereof.
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