I have never been much for personal calls on my work phone. But. Occasionally, someone does call me. However. This is soon coming to an end since today I found out that they not only monitor incoming calls but record all of them.
Apparently, the stellar fellows I work with were enjoying bouts of phone sex and raunchy conversation. We. Only. Hire. The. Best. The offenders are then called into the office and the conversations are played back to them. Embarrassing, yes. Deserved, yes.
While I can't remember anything horrid I have said about management over the phone, you never know. So. When my sister called me this evening, I asked her to please call me on my cell from now on. But. It still felt odd. Almost like Natzi's were listening.
Her closing line?
"I guess I'll wait until I see you in person to tell you the most effective way for killing management."
You would never guess we were sisters, would you?
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