Yesterday. Was. The. Longest. Day. Ever.
To any woman who has experience wearing heels for extended periods of time, she can pinpoint the degree of pain I am referring to when I mention that I was on stillettos from six in the morning until one this morning. God. Bless. Me.
The day at the modeling agency was not too painful, lots of advising girls as to wheter their eyebrows were two hairs too thin or not. And watching these "incredibly beautiful girls who any man would want to go out with" coo over seventeen year old model boys who are walking a very fine line between gay and straight. But all in all, I survived.
Then went to lovely irish pub where our waiter resembled a tall lepruchan. If that is possible.
Then went to beauty pageant, where we cheered loudly and watched people with very bad hair win.
We then went to dinner, where Joy informed our waiter that he could "fill up her coffee, not her."
When then drove home, which should have been two hours, but was more like three and SEEMED like fifty since the windshield wiper blade was having serious issues and was SUPPOSED to get repaired, but wasn't. So we drove, THREE HOURS with a constant sound so physically painful I thought I was going to vomit.
And that is the story of my weekend. Minus the Sunday morning chicken houses. I have never been so happy to see a Monday.
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