Let's Just Bleach The Gene Pool
Published 28.4.05 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
Does anyone else have those family members who, upon spending excess of .5 hours with them, prompts the urge to put a gun to your head and
end it all.
After spending
three hours with this relative I was ready to drive off a cliff, or at least into a telephone pole.
Upon my arrival at the birthday part to eat SPIDERMAN cake and have my tounge turn blue, my eyes were glazed over and I had lost the ability to make rational decisions regarding the continuation of my life. My father, who is normally amused at my rantings and ravings, was even starting to get a little concerned.
Thankfully, my sisters were on hand to pry the pills and vodka out of my hands, wipe the blood off my wrists and put salve on the rope burn around my neck.
I can relate. The only problem being that Earth is not like Futurama and there are no Suicide Booths to step into.