Dear God, Please Strike Me With Lightening
Published 16.5.05 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
I have been at work for an hour. One. Hour.
And I am on the verge of a nervous breakdown.
I have had to sit on my hands to keep from hurling my teacup at our Vice President. I have had to bite my toungue to keep from telling off a woman who thinks she is my supervisor, that just because HER DOG GOT OUT THIS MORNING, does not mean her life is born of tragedy. I have had to physically restrain myself from ripping my computer off my desk and pitching out the window, along with our new software, WHICH IS CRAP. Because our IT guy left before it was fully installed. Thus, leaving me and my boss to fix everything. The desire to physically and verbally berate my fellow employees is like a itch, begging to be scratched.
And, to add insult to injury, Blogger screwed up a very long post that I stayed up writing last night. Chopped off the last half and PUBLISHED IT THAT WAY.
Since I am on such a short fuse, I believe banishment of existance by lightening would be preferable.
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