For the first time, in a very, very long time, I can say I am happy with my life. I am content. I feel blessed beyond measure. For the first time in my life, I can honestly say I am completely content single. I haven't won the lottery. I haven't been awarded a book deal. I know that my new job will be just as frustrating as my old. I know that school is going to be allot of work.
Nothing has really changed but my attitude.
Amazing what those prayers for a peace that passes understanding will do to you.
*Please note: I still reserve the right to bitch, whine and moan. For this is, after all, my blog. I realize I will still have bad days and wretched weeks. And I promise I will still be a tiny bit cynical. But life is still good no matter what I say. Because I realize I have been blessed beyond measure and I am living the American dream. How can I not be grateful?<$BlogTit
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