For those of you who have been reading for awhile, you remember The Original Porkchop. Quick to shred, destroy or verbally annihilate anyone who got in her path. It was very amusing, but exhausting. I found myself keeping a cynical and acerbic outlook on all of life.
I have now reserved me legions of death for those who dare to insult those I love or care about. After all, I feel much more justified defending them rather then defending my own wounded pride. Besides, this allows me to continue in my quest of being a nice person but also being able to feed the inner demons who cry out for the blood of those stupid enough to cross Porkchop.
This has led to the new, slightly improved (depending on your point of view or if you have to work with me or not) Porkchop Lite.(Unfortunately, this has absolutely nothing to do with the size of my butt.)
So, this explain the inconsistencies of behavior of nice/bitchy/sweet/frothingatthemouth/etc. (Though, defending those you love falls into the nice category, yes?)
A darling friend of mine was lamenting the death of Porkchop, The Cold And Piggy Hearted. I'm sorry dear, but a new day has dawned for Porkchop Lite. (Not to be confused with lite bacon. One has absolutely nothing to do with the other. I am not rubbery, or thinly sliced.)
Hopefully, this explains my slightly strange behavior as of late. If it doesn't--get over it.
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