I wasn't really mugged. But I THOUGHT I was going to get mugged. So that's almost as good, right?
I was walking out of the grocery store, struggling with my bags and listening to my iPod. A young thugish looking chap walked up to me and started talking. Because of my earbud obstructions, I didn't understand what he was saying. All I saw was him trying to stop me and the waving of his arms.
After I ran through a hundred different attack scenarios, I managed to pull the earbuds out and hear him offer me a rap cd from a local artist. It was, you know, gangsta thug. After I politely refused the music, he offered a morsel of praise "You've got that whole baby face thing going on. I totally dig it." What does this teach us children? Even if you hate your baby face, it might keep you from getting mugged.
Hooray chubby cheeks!
well, you are adorable, afterall.