My Little Brother Is Far Funnier Than I Can Ever Dream
Published 9.8.06 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
"And part of me feels so good.(I bet this is how Pooh feels after burping up honey.)"--DarthFreddI miss this kid like The Dickens. I mean, he's this funny online but just as funny in real life. And cute! And sweet! And I miss him. Me loves me some Fredds.
Yeah, brothers are *sob* the best. I'm not going to be seeing mine for the next five months because he and his Flame are now married and going to be too busy having wild monkey sex to visit/call/see/talk to me.
So sad.
i think your brother and mine would either get along too well, or hate each other for the sameness.
i miss you.
so sweet.
I miss your blogging stories! :)
Hey kiddo, you okay?