Last night, as I braved the frozen roads to rent MORE movies, since we were all in vegetable-like states, our electricity went out. In the past, we would have run huge vats of water, as if we were not going to see electric lights or running water for a solid month and then we would have amused ourselves by reading books and acting like people from Little House On The Prarie.
Well, I was at a loss, I had no internet, no television, no heat and my cell phone battery was DYING. Stupid cell phone. So, after waiting about two hours, I resorted to sleep, only to wake up in the middle of the night with all the lights on. Nice.
You may ask why I took so long to figure out sleep was the only intelligent option. Simple answer. We watched Seven. I was completley freaked out and made a beautiful case for never letting Sarah watch scary movies without something strong to hold on to. Ever again.
In short, this has been a demonstration why Sarah always needs electric and something strong to hold on to.
Seven is excellent...and the only horror movie that generally leaves me a bit concerned for my safety as a I finish watching it:)...though you got to figure that only 1 out of every 5 you meet are really going to be serial killers...and I have neither any real wrath in my bones, nor do I really have much for them to envy:)...
Sounds like you're making friends, Sarah:)...I thought your note was cute:)...This is why I value a sense of humor so much...because without it, people can be a pretty tedious and ugly lot:)...Like the Care Bears...but worse...
You're going to boot camp?...are you for real or are you bullshitting?...power to you, Sarah:)...
Hope everything is going well:)...I'll check in later:)...
Hmm, watching Se7en in the middle of the night, that's got to be a priceless experience. Almost as good as watching The Village and having to do a paper route the next morning and almost being attacked my rabid racoon's on prowl. Oh yes, priceless.