Does The Word STALKER Ring A Bell?

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Does anyone else find Clay Aiken's look of The Albino Mouse a bit disturbing?

Does anyone else think that the lyrics:

"I wish I could be a fly on your wall
Are you really alone
Then I could just watch you in your room
You don't hear a sound
I keep tracing your steps
Even when I'm scream out"

SOUND A BIT STALKERISH? How on earth is that romantic? HOW ON EARTH IS THAT EVEN ON THE AIRWAVES? If anyone else has had stalkers, they know what I mean.

Especially Albino Mouse Stalkers. Freakish

6 Responses to “Does The Word STALKER Ring A Bell?”

  1. Blogger QOS 

    what about "360 degrees of you"? (shedaisy)

  2. Blogger Honey Bunny 

    i was stalked for three months. on january 10th, the guy was fired from his job. why? because he was doing the stalking and the threatening of my life FROM HIS JOB! some stalkers are just not smart. not smart at all.

  3. Blogger VDOprincess 

    Actually, isn't "smart stalker" a bit of an oxymoron?

  4. Blogger Unknown 

    wish some beautiful women would stalk me for awhile....Keep it real ladies - be smart and learn some martial arts.

  5. Blogger schmims 

    I lived with five other girls in college in a house out in the country. We had a stalker, saw him peaking in the sky lights. Once we came in and saw him in the closet. we left and went to get one of the girl's boyfriend's boxer. The dog went nuts once he got out of the car, growling, hair raised. A few days later he was doing the same at the back door so we let him out. He came back about 45 minutes later and we never had a problem again.

    Linked to you though Lancelot.

    I don't put up with shit from guys. It's the girls that do that make it so tough to find a good guy these days. Sigh...

  6. Blogger schmims 

    Thanks for the compliment.

    I have friends who are absolutly miserable in their current relationships and it drives me NUTS listening to it. I loath drama. If you're so miserable in your relationship, then get rid of him, give him the boot, kick him to the curb! But I love him sooo much. Tear.


    Sorry for the rant.

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This odd narrative is my life. I ended up in Pittsburgh, of all places--from the beach. I have no hobbies, other than cooking excessively and eating microwave popcorn. I enjoy shopping, the Food network, hiding the remote so the Food network cannot be turned off, find ethnic food stores and restaurants and reading voraciously. My life is decidedly pedestrian.

I worked in the car business where I was required to be ruthless and soul-less wench, which is when I started this project. Since then, I've kept it up because secretly, I've always wanted to join the military. Every male in my mother's family has joined and I quietly entertain thoughts of joining. I haven't yet and don't know if I ever will, but sending the troops cookies keeps me sane. it makes me think I still have a shred of human kindness left in my withering soul. it's a small way for me to salute the men and women who are brave enough to fight for freedom. And makes me feel like I'm contributing toward troop morale--even if I'm not. So if you want to help, send me addresses of troops you know stationed overseas. you may also contribute toward the cost of chocolate chips, but don't feel obligated, that link is here only by request.

the past


ATOM 0.3