The promised people showed up at the
Par-Tay, there was the promised food and DJ. Good times were had by most.
But, a slight damper was put on our evening when early on we found a dead and bloodied pigeon at the very top of our steps. After debating whether it was a gift from our respective stalkers, or simply an act of drunk pigeon flying, we reminded ourselves we needed to dispose of the mangled fowl before our guests started arriving. I, being the brave albiet tortured soul that I am, threw the bird into the hedge and left the pools of blood for the guests to speculate. We could not shake the suspicion that it was an omen of parties past. Dead. No fun. Bored guests.
And while it turned out our worries were in vain, since everyone at least pretended they had fun, save Barbie, who had to dance every single dance known to mankind including the Hoedown and the Chicken dance, to amuse our guests.
So, I suppose you could say good times were had by all but Barbie's tired feet.
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