To The Loud Man Who Wanted To Pick Up His Son's Paycheck:
Published 23.6.05 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
I really do not understand how you thought we were going to give you your SON'S paycheck, without some sort of release waiver. When you belligerently began waving your arms and yelling at me, I thought about being annoyed. But, that is not what supremely irritated me.
What irritated me, was when the kind gentleman next to you was getting HIS check you stared at it and then began verbally berating me for not enclosing the checks in envelopes. Because, Godforbid, "just aboot annyun cin c how moch miney ur makin". Yes. True. But since you DO NOT HAVE A JOB, I do not think it is your perogative to worry about it. Get a job, so you can have a paycheck, so people can see how much you are making, and I will consider your complaint.
Until then. Keep your grubby mitts away from my desk. And stop stirring up complaints which are completely unnecessary. Because, frankly, when you DO get a job, I will probably be cutting your paycheck. And it could get ugly.
Have a nice life--
Moneybags Porkchop (aka The Person Who Pays You)
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