Wanted:Vampires And Other Haters Of Sunlight
Published 28.9.05 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
Our accounting department is filled with some of the most miserable wenches I have ever encoutered. Truly. They make the crones at my old job look practically sweet. To work in accounting, you have to be one hundred and ten, hate sunlight and love sucking the life out of people. You also have to be willing to gnaw the tires of any innocent soul who might be silly enough to park in your parking lot.
Today, I called over and asked an innocent question. Apparently, I asked the WRONG person that question. The person I asked the wrong question to, passed it onto the CORRECT person WITH a verbal toungue lashing.
The CORRECT person, in turn, called me and left me a very long message, detailing WHAT exactly the answer to my question was and how I do NOT need to ask it again because I am NOT the only salesperson here.
When someone else went into their office to retrieve paperwork, they were given an earful about me. "What is she? A salesperson? Or the offical compliant department?". They were also told "I am on their list. NOT the Christmas one, either."
Nice. Now that everyone in MY dealership loves me, of course I have to find some new enemies. Interesting, the only people who will OPENLY hate me are women.
Men at least ogle my boobs and silently hate me.
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