Reasons My Blog Has Been Even More Boring Than The Average Boring Spell
Published 20.12.05 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
Because everyone reads it. Everyone including aunts, uncles, parents, siblings, former dates, dating potentials, co-workers and
the mice on the counter who have been leaving gifts for Barbie.
This leaves me with little to blog about. Hell! My LIFE leaves me with little to blog about. (Yes. I know I just ended TWO sentances with prepositions.)
My most exciting endeavors as of late have been fattening myself up for a rather chubby Christmas. Today's contributions have been eating straight brie cheese and a entire bar of dark chocolate.
Yes. I'm trying to get all the rolls on my stomach to meet in one GIANT roll. I will be Jelly Roll Woman! HOORAY! And then I can roll everywhere instead of walk! Like the blueberry girl in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Hopefully with better hair and without the odd bellybutton. That girl's belly button disturbed me. As did Johnny Depp. But he disturbed me in a
good way. Whereas Blueberry Girl's bellybutton was just plain disturbing. Mental note: in quest for fatness, don't eat anything blueberry flavored.
Yeah. This whole boring life business really needs some work.
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