My love for thee is greater than my love for most. It stretches beyond the comprehension of mere mortals. It is infinate. It is great. It is true.
It was you I ran to during my hard day of work. It was your earbuds I stuffed in my ears. It was your sweet and soothing tunes that I blasted myself out of conciousness with.
It was your sleekness and shinyness that I saw my reflection and saw who I truly am--fat and overfed. A little piggy moon face.
It was you who gave me truth and comfort. It was you who made me block out the sound of managers and salespeople alike. It was you who who gave me focus and enough energy to get through the two hours and seventeen minutes left in my work day.
I love thee.
I hope your love for me is as great. Thank you for prolonging your battery life and not deserting me in such a dreadful day as today. Thank you for reminding me that life does not end in the office, the depression of mine follows me like the scent of bad cabbage and you will be with me all the way.
Sweet iPod, I am forever yours--
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