Today, since Preston was very, very slow today, I was thinking my equivilent of deep thoughts.
In truth, to first know God, one must acknowledge the stentch of humanity, revel in the depts of the depravity of humankind. In essence, we must admit the darkness of the heart of man. Our true condition.
Why do we, as sinning people, aspire to disguise the ugliness of sin with our paltry, yet carefully crafted good works? Why do we refuse to confront, face and root out the evilness of our hearts, dripping with tthe blackness that only comes from the very pits of hell.
We justify, excuse, hedge and lie and tell ourselves half truthes, but never fully admitting who we really are. We are eiather purified, chose, redeemed and sanctified children of God, or children sold to the devil; our hearts covered in the soot from the sulpher burnings.
If we are so proud of our sinfulness as we suggest in our portrayals of denial of God's existance, we deny even the acknowledgement of His precense, much less His being. Why we even shade our hearts with shades of sinfulness, citing "I am better than HIM." Glaring at the adulterous neighbor, murderous inmate or theiving relative. But alas! We are not.
Sin is sin. Black and white. Equal in the eyes of God. Horrible, unspeakable filth which is not allowed in His holy prescence. A lustful glance, a hateful thought, child molesters and serial killers are all plain sinners. Equal. Just as we are all equal in God's love. Creatures in need of a Savior. Sinners in need of a Christ. Children in need of a Father.
Why do we continually deny the need for something greater? The hunger for true acceptance. Not money, not fame, but the desire to please God, to fill that void which only God can.
Why do we do all this? Because we deny ourselves the acknowledgement of the very first thing, our true condition. Sin.
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