(This personally brings the mental image to mind of dissecting lab animals and peeling back the fat that surrounds the intestines. But, that's just me. And I'm weird. And I like dissecting animals. And I like blood and guts and gore. And I am fascinated by infections. Anyway.)
Yes. The harsh realities of post-holiday insulating fat layer has sunk in. Roughly translated: I am fat from the holidays (though I was no bean pole before) and have vowed to eat celery and cottage cheese for a month and workout like a fiend.
Once upon a time, a long, long time ago, I was actually a size four. Yes. You read correctly A SIZE FOUR! With the occasional two. YES, TWO! Even though that was a long time ago I have purposed to take a walk down THAT memory lane.
Besides, how much easier can life get when you know your meal choices are chicken, celery, cottage cheese or canned tuna? Not much.
I realize this will forever cement my tombstone epithet as: PATHETIC.
At least I'll have a skinny sized coffin and not a fat one.
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