My weekend really wasn't all that bad, but I was being very selfish and hateful to be around, since I was feeling sorry for myself. I have vowed not to do that anymore, even if I feel I am having a "bad day" I will not give in to the natural impulse to want to whine and complain that I am having a less-than-desireable day. Instead, I have decided, to thank people and tell them I am grateful for something about them.
Ironically, the new week I have started with my selfless resolution has been marred by a traffic ticket. I found it hihgly amusing, the sherriff stopped me in the parking lot of work! I DID stop at the stop sign, he just didn't see me. I didn't protest or anything like that, I graceully signed for the ticket, mentally grousing that I had to get the ONE officer I didn't know. But, he was just trying to do his job. But it almost made me feel bad for him, he thought he was saving the world, one stop sign at a time. Cheers for Mr. Sherriff!
I have, of late, been trying to stimulate my mind and expand my horizens by reading. I read
What Our Mothers Didn't Teach Us: Why Happiness Eludes Modern Women
by Danielle Crittendon. It was well written, and since ti was written from a secular perspective, very interesting.
The author examines the effects of the seventies feminist movement in the thinking and lifestyle in woman today. Everything from the way we view motherhood, our attitudes about aging, what is considered "feminine" and more. I would highly recommend it, not because I agree with everything she wrote, because I don't. But because it forces you, as a reader, to confront just how much of the liberal mindset you have absorbed.
Personally, I was shocked, once I actually began to think about it, how much of the original femenist mindset I was proudly touting. I was a tad ashamed to admit the expectations I had assumed for myself were not necissarily Biblical. How could I say I was ernestly seeking God when the goals I had set for myself were goals that looked suspiciously self-centered.
I would highly recommend reading the book if you are interested in changing to world. Which, in case I haven't made it clear, I am.
This weekend, I had a excellent conversation with a friend who I haven't actually conversed with in
. We encouraged each other to hold out for men who were leaders and not to settle. Even though at this point in my life I am not interested in a serious relationship, I have to keep a standard in mind. Does that make sense?
It isn't a matter of me being better than a certain type of guy, or working too hard, or coming too far to settle. Because, frankly I could make myself happy with anything. Emphasis on the MAKE. But, my family has invested too much into me to throw it away on what I want, or settling for the mediocre. That is what this is about. My family has invested huge amounts of time, energy, emotion and money into making me the best person I can be. If I settle for the sub-par, whether in goals, guys, or whatever, it is selling them short.
I think that is what angers me when people say, it's MY life! I can live however I want. No! People, more than you will ever know, have been praying for you, watching you, helping you and trying so hard to give you the very best they have. Are you going to selfishly throw it all away because you
like it?
So, for me, being the best I can, getting my degrees and honing myself into a force to be reckoned with, is because I have been given so much, I want to give back.
I don't have any deep thoughts for today. But today is Joy's birthday! Happy birthday Joy! Her blog is she is a pretty cool chick, so check her out.
In other news, I actually got ahold of Joelle and we are getting together Tuesday night. It doesn't sound like she has changed much, she drives a huge truck, doesn't wear makeup and is studying to be a vet. But I love her. And who knows, if she hangs with me long enough, she just might start wearing makeup.
One of my latest goals is to hone my mind and my skills. I have decided to study spanish and as I stated earlier, I am reading vociferiously (sp?). If you have any recommendations for books, or mind stimulating activites, or anything that will make me a better person, let me know.
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