If being single is not bad enough over Valentine's Day, the problem is compounded when A Certain Sister offers you up on the Alter of Blind Dates to the Merciless Gods of Death and Destruction On Dates With Strangers.
You heard me.
My kind sister, who has two admirers visiting over Valentine's Day weekend, has deserted me in favor of New York City. Not that I blame her for choosing NYC, but I will ,for quite some time hold a grudge against her.
She has given me vague instructions like, GO TO THE FIREHALL DANCE. Does anyone but me realize quite how unspeakably hokey that is? So, in true form, I have recruited yet another single friend to help me entertain. The highlight of the weekend is having to drive up to Wilmington to pick My Kind Sister up.
I do not believe that even the balm of Flower Whoring would even heal this injury of pride.
They are not admireres.
You start with a HALF empty bottle? Brave man.
i leave you with these words of comfort - it could be worse. can't think of how, but i'm sure it could. ; )