Ironically enough, the day that my boss is sitting in my office contemplating suicide by slitting her wrists with my letter opener labeled "Sarah's Preferred Instrument of Death and Destruction", I am sitting in her office trying to chirp out words of encouragement. Phrases like:
Don't kill yourself!
I am SURE you will not get fired, maybe just get a cut in pay!
You WILL live to see tomorrow. Otherwise I have to do all the work by myself.
You know it is bad when I, the self-avowed pessamist, is considered the upbeat one. But then again, there WAS a time, a very long time ago, that I was a morning person, was not dependant on coffee and only made mean comments BEHIND people's backs.
The moral of the story is: if you aren't willing to change. Stick with it. Your coworkers eventually will. Or your enviroment.
Or everyone will just kill themselves..
so. . .is she dead yet?
if so, do you get her job?
Funny what, oh, say, twenty four hours will do.
Now she is physically restraining me from slitting MY wrists. Namely, then there would be no scapegoat and she would have to do all the work by herself.
As to the job... she can shove it.