I Know You Meant That In The Nicest Way Possible
Published 18.5.06 by Porkchop | E-mail this post
Today, ignoring all fashion codes, I wore an all-white outfit to work before Memorial Day. I know, shoot me. This prompted comments like "are you going to a wedding?" and "you look like you just stepped out of GQ". (Um, GQ is a
mens magazine.)
But the one comment that I found most amusing:
"Very yuppi."
I would consider myself very unyuppi. Very anti yuppi. Needless to say I was slightly insulted. I told the giver of this comment that they themselves were the very definition. No, they told me, they don't drive a BMW. I don't either. Well, they said, someone in your
family does and Yuppiness travels by DNA.
Riiiight. *
*Anyone who has met my father will realize the incredible hilarity of this proposition.
i'm glad your blog saves my website address...it's frickin hard to type.
gq! *snort*