Recently I was discussing religion with a co-worker, and they informed me they thought all religion was a farce. The amount of people they had personally witnessed using and abusing the name of Jesus Christ in a materialistic fashion was too much for them to comprehend.
Of course I asked them if they could judge a entire group of people based on the actions of a few and other such questions. I was rather frustrated, because it is so unjust to judge someone because of other's actions. But, I began to understand exactly what this man meant, when I read the letter of a well-known "Reverand" from our area.
Dear Pastor and Friend:
This is one letter that I did not want to write.
However, my family's economic situation has forced the issue.
You may remember that on May 30, 1993, our home caught fire.
Devastating as that was, it has been more devastating that this matter has not been cleared up. It has been a total of five months. Satran has used the local fire marshall's office, and this is the reason for this delay. They dragged their feet i n a most insidious way.
The bottom line is this- we're broke, with n hope in sight, save for Jesus Christ and His people.
At the present time, we are without heat, and our electric is due to be shut off.
However, there is hope, I have not given up, yet I realize the power in prayer.
I am asking you to pray in our behalf. PLease ask your prayer warriors to pray also.
When all is said and done, we'll give God the glory and victory.
Love and Prayers-
Rev. Mon E. Grubber
Does that not make anyone else truely nausious? I mean, if your hope is truely in Jesus Christ, why couldn't you just have faith that He would provide? Or, for that matter, did it occur to you that He could be chastening you for your notorious illegal scams involving using people for their money, under the guise of "religion."
I'm sorry, but it is people of that character and fortitude that give the rest of Christians a bad name.
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