Towards plump.
Not only am I rapidly becoming soft, fleshy and matronly. But I am ensuring that my deep, dark fears of forever being alone will come true. I am also affirming my growing realization that I am pretty, in a mousy diminutive sort of way.
Knowing the truth and it setting you free, sucks.
Because, you know what being free, in this case, means? Early, early mornings at the gym. Not eating. Taking crack/diet pills. And worrying over whether the haircolor I selected is the BEST for me.
Remind me again why I cannot be the Fat Auntie who makes cannolies and cookies, gives your warm hugs in her huge enveloping bosom and FOREVER REMAINS UNMARRIED AND LONELY?
My outlook is bright.
Scrabbling about underneath your grand piano five minutes before you leave for work, might not be the cleverest idea. After all, didn't you, just moments before, carefully pin your hair in a delicate french twist?
This will result in your hair sliding off your head exactly thirty-two minutes after you get to work.
Collect your dignity and move on.
My sister is a single mother. A single mother who, fights fiercely to give her little boy a happy childhood. She and I work together. However she, who has the child who needs to see her, has seniority. Which requires her to work longer hours than I.
Tonight. She picked up her child from school and had him come sit quietly, do his homework and wait for her to be finished work so she could go home with him and just spend a few hours with him. If everything went according to schedule, he should only have to wait about three hours. Unfortunately, as luck often has it, hours ran long. Since I wasn't required to stay, I offered to take him home and stay with him until she could escape.
My nephew is a handsome little fellow who has a rebellious streak a mile wide. Highly encouraged by his father. But, his love for my sister is so incredibly genuine and unjaded, it makes makes me wish I had a tiny bit of that.
I took him home and played in the bath with him. We talked about Mama and how much she loves him. How customers can be a real pain and cause her to stay later than she would really like. Because, really, she just wants to be home with her little boy."Yes." He nodded his soapy mohawk. "But, Mama has to have the customers. Because, she is working hard so she can be home with me. And pick me up from school."
Mama didn't get home until late. We were tucked in bed and reading stories by the time she was able to untangle herself from work. However, even though the mothering moments of single-parenthood are few and far between the unpleasant has to be addressed whenever possible. She firmly discussed the unacceptability of his swearing problem, which only seems to pop up whenever he comes back from his Father's. She wasn't harsh, she was firm.
Nevertheless, his huge brown eyes got even bigger and he began to leak tears. And then, his whole body shook and he just cried and cried. Once she finially calmed him down, he apoligized for disappointing her and, well, he was "so sorry for crying, but, Daddy always yells for little mistakes" and it scares him.
For a minute, I remembered that feeling of being little, scared, upset and lonely.
She calmed him, hugged him and told him she loved him. His little brown face lit up. Life was good again.
We finished our story. He planted his hand, which is no longer chubby but rapidly strong, on my cheek. "Auntie. I love you. Please read more for me."
I couldn't read more. I had to go. Just as well. I was crying. Because, really, that's all I want from life. Unconditional love. With a story.
The mistaking of my older sister for me. There was a time when I would roll my eyes and toss my hair whenever one more person mistook me for one of my sisters. But. I have not only grown to tolerate it, but actually view it as a compliment. All three of my sisters are fantastically gorgeous.
The sister who went to Starbucks this morning was mistaken for me. I don't know if she should be insulted, or I should be very, very complimented. After all. I am only three sizes larger than her.
Either way. I am savoring it. Greatly.
Today someone at my new job told me that I seem quite, well, British. My posture, choice of words and gesturing all seemed quite like I should be speaking with an accent.
When pondering if I should develop an accent to go with my lovely new percieved persona my sister groaned, rolled her eyes and said "NO! NOT IF IT IS ANYTHING LIKE YOUR FAKE SOUTHERN ACCENT."
There went that idea.
But. I figured, new job, new accent. Right?
My father and I have a special bond. I will do all the disgusting, creepy and dangerous things that my other siblings shrink away from. I went bridge jumping (and ended up ripping... Something painful.) I worked in the chicken house (and had bionic biceps.) I eat raw oysters with him (I used to be the youngest patron at the oyster bar.)
We also have a lengthy list of things we want to do together. Jump of the Laurel-Bethel Bridge, blow up seagulls with alka-seltzer and get into more mischief and trouble than is really quite right.
After yesterday, I have one more thing I can add to my "Random Facts About Drew" list. Namely, cat castration. On my father's farm he has a healthy collection of cats to eat the mice and dead chickens. However, he recently received a new batch of kitties since his old one was wiped out by... my little brother's shotgun. (Please understand, these are not nice house kitties we are speaking of. These are mean, wild tomcats who would probably eat small children alive, if they could. These are creatures who are a menace to society.)
There were four cats. Four tomcats. Four tomcats which my father needed assistance with. I will not go into gory detail, unless asked! But. I have to admit, my geeky blood-loving science side came out and I had a ball. (Pun intended.)
Besides, how fabulous will this story be to tell to my already terrified dates? "So. What do you do for fun?"
Chop off the balls of the male specises who have nothing better to do than impregnate innocent females and leave them.
I have never been much for personal calls on my work phone. But. Occasionally, someone does call me. However. This is soon coming to an end since today I found out that they not only monitor incoming calls but record all of them.
Apparently, the stellar fellows I work with were enjoying bouts of phone sex and raunchy conversation. We. Only. Hire. The. Best. The offenders are then called into the office and the conversations are played back to them. Embarrassing, yes. Deserved, yes.
While I can't remember anything horrid I have said about management over the phone, you never know. So. When my sister called me this evening, I asked her to please call me on my cell from now on. But. It still felt odd. Almost like Natzi's were listening.
Her closing line?
"I guess I'll wait until I see you in person to tell you the most effective way for killing management."
You would never guess we were sisters, would you?
I have this odd paranoia. I cannot leave the house without earrings of some kind in my ears. I can, when forced at gunpoint, leave without makeup. Or maybe even clothes! But I cannot leave without earrings.
I also have this odd habit of losing earrings. Not both. Just one. Which results in this entire One Earring Collection. I think I will donate it to the Smithsonian when I become famous. You know, like I thought was a work of art or something. One more thing to prove my mounting insanity.
Another instance of my insanity is the situation wherein I buy antique earrings that are clip-on's. I mean. I lose pierced earrings. Why wouldn't I lose a bit of metal which is precariously clinging to my ear by a failing clip?
Yes. Why wouldn't I?
So. If you happen to see a antique cameo earring lying in the middle of the road, let me know. Until then, it is partying hard with about forty-three other single earrings.
An obvious reflection of the state of their owner.
Because, not only do the people at Blockbuster know my name, not only do they herald me as The Queen Of Restocking Fees, but they don't even ask for my card. THEY PULL MY ACCOUNT UP BY MEMORY!
I think they have started briefing the new employees as to who I am. "There is this pathetic single girl who will come in every so often and take out the whole store. She will not return the DVD's for two months. But. No worries. Her cats didn't eat her. She will eventually bring them back. And by the time she brings them back, YOU WILL KNOW FROM MEMORY WHICH ONES ARE LATE. Ladies and gentlemen, this is your friend, she is paying for your college."
Because after we arrived at church half and hour late, WITH Starbucks in hand, we sat in the handicapped people section.
It was pretty empty, ok?
Besides. I consider people who find it physically impossible to get to church until it is half over, handicapped.
(Other than the fever, chills, sinus drip and shallow breathing.)
I drove past Starbucks this morning. PAST STARBUCKS! By the time I realized it, I had to park in a completely different parking lot and slog through fifty-three puddles to get my tea and croussiant.
Once I got to work, I realized I had pulled my hair back and tied it with a ribbon. A RIBBON! Like some sort of rabid schoolgirl.
If you knew me well, you would know that this is definately a sign of impending death.
"Um, Drew, this is Lee. I am getting ready to go to Starbucks on a date which
will be really bad. I just know it. This guy has asked me out repeatedly. Today,
he put me on the spot, so I couldn't say know. I met him at the DMV. So, you
know, if you wouldn't mind popping by and saving me at some point, I would
appreciate it. I'm meeting him at 5:15."
The perfect cliche ending to the perfect cliche training.
Gathering around, arms wrapped around each other's shoulders, singing Lean On Me WITH taped accompaniment.
All seven hundred and thirty-three verses.
It might not have been so bad if they weren't so serious about it.
God bless my sweet little family, but they are some of the most prejudiced people I know.
Most comments are inadvertantly offensive. My darling little Grandma who loves everyone still calls darker people "spooks". However, my uncles on the other side of the family who aren't so loving have more aggresively rude comments regarding people of other races.
So. Tonight was the night I decided to have the little chat with my Dad whereby I would tell him he had to be nice to my "friend" who is coming to my sisters wedding. My "friend" happens to origonally be from Mexico. Regardless of the fact his English would indicate otherwise, I knew that if I did not nip any comments in the bud--a month ahead--I would be in serious trouble.
At first my father was rather miffed and offended that I would think he would say something offensive. When I communicated I thought it might be more unintentional than purposely hurtful, he was slightly mollfied. To demonstrate to me he had properly grasped the weight of our conversation he carefully thought out his greeting and rehearshed it for me. It went something like this:
"Hello, Hosea! How are things south of the border?! I just want you to know, I welcome a Mexican to the family. Our family is getting a little inbred. We need fresh blood."
Our little team building exercises went from bad to worse. You know that activity where you have wire stretched across a frame forming impossibly small holes that you are supposed to hoist impossibly fat people through. Without touching the wire. (If my terribly clear description was a bit confusing, you can check out details and pictures of similar challenges here. Please note: the pictures do not provide an accurate example of the size of our holes. Ours were tiny. Tiny.)
Our fearless leader did a very careful job of painting a rather vivid picture of the spider web we were passing our team members through. We were in the Amazon. If we touched the web, the giant spider would come down and eat us. (Er, excuse me, is this kindergarten all over again?!) In any event, we were to work as a team. They refused to face the fact we would rather pick a team member to sacrifice to the "spider" so we could kill it and thereby skip the exercise entirely. Realism wasn't too high on the list of priorities, apparently.
Since we had plenty of strong/fat/huge guys willing to prove their strength, all this paticular challenge required for me to do was stiffen my body and allow eight men to grab various parts of my body and pass me through the "web". As soon as the exercise was announced I shrank to the back of the group and begain furiously praying we would run out of time before it would be my turn. Ah. No such luck.
One other fellow I work with also has the same negative feelings about being touched. We were trying to give each other moral support, but kept imagining even worse scenarios for one another. He won hands down when he began pointing out that he was sure there would be no shortage of volunteers to try and tuck by perky boobs through. You know, just to be sure they didn't touch the wire. Thanks, man. THANKS FOR MAKING ME WANT TO RUN TO THE BACK OF THE ROOM AND VOMIT.
After waiting for what seemed like an eternity, it was my turn. I leaned back into the arms of eight sweaty men and stiffened my body. Part of being able to fit through this narrow space was the raising of my hands above my head. Do you realize just how prominently perky 34D boobs are when your body is perfectly straight AND your hands are above your head? Of course this was the day my jeans were slightly too big and this revealed the edge of my lacy underwear. There I am. Arms above my head. Defenseless. Boobs pointing skyward. Toes pointed. Body stiff. Eyes narrowed into slits of death. Mouth bitten into a firm, hateful line.
I lay in their arms dying on the inside. Absolutely dying. Envisioning the hot, hot shower I would be taking as soon as I got home. They pass me through. Let me assure you, I was liberally manhandled. Wait! NO! SOMETHING TOUCHED THE WIRE AT THE VERY END. I had to go again. This time, I must be stiff and perky, but twist and writhe to get through correctly. By the time I was properly passed through without touching, I was shaking with the sheer desire for it to be over. Once my feet were on solid ground, I slunk to the back and whimpered like a violated dog.
You think this would be plenty of touching for everyone. Lots of touching. Touch, touch, touch. Apparently not. APPARENTLY OUR COMPANY ENCOURAGES SLEEPING TOGETHER. At the end of our exercise we had to form a tight shoulder to shoulder circle whereby we all turned to the right and gave that person a backrub. A BACKRUB! Thankfully, on my one side was my cohort in personal space advocation. We gingerly tapped each others backs. But to my other side?
Luck doesn't always favor me.
The new guy who is the very personification of sketchy. Overly gummy smile. Slight receding hairline. Oily sheen on his too tan skin. Very sketchy. I was trying to give him a very vague sort of backrub. But we were having quality control inspections by leadership. Dammit! And then, when he had to rub my back, I could feel his fingers creeping downwards. SOMEONE SHOOT ME NOW.
Once it was all over and I ripped myself away from all this creepiness, he sidles up to me and tells me that the backrub I gave him was. pause, phenomenal.
Not just phenomenal, but said in the tone solely reserved for bad sitcoms after the couple has enjoyed some cheesy and experimental sex. You know, when the guy rolls over and breathlessly says, "that was phenomenal". Yeah. That tone. Not paticularly the tone I wanted to hear from the new sketchy guy.
At this point, group hugs look pretty frickin' sweet.
fresh flowers
rainy days in bed
hot, hot cups of earl grey tea
leather bound notebooks
strains of classical music
shoes that make my legs look fabulous
the perfect lipstick
pens that make your handwriting look elegant
kisses on the forehead
cashmere sweaters
black. black anything.
monogrammed writing paper
feather comforters
nights on the beach
golden afternoon ligh
tsweet smelling hair
tuned pianos
clean four hundred count sheets
hello kisses
stuffed olives
french twists
This month for every product we sell a certain amount will be donated to some sort of breast cancer research fund. We have various signs posted telling of our generosity to all of our customers. This is also a good enough reason, or so they think, for them to walk up to you, stare at your chest and shout "OCTOBER IS BREAST AWARENESS MONTH!" As if the male population needed another reason to be cognizant of mammary glands.
But, today management decided to step up their charitable game. We were to inflate pink twelve-inch balloons which proclaimed all sorts of warm fuzzy thoughts about women supporting women. Now, if these had been seventeen or even twenty-four inch balloons, it wouldn't have been so bad. However, the entire time we were inflating and tying them about, all I could think of was swollen ovaries, turgid breasts and puffed-up uteri. (Uteri? Uterueses? Multiple child-bearing facilities?)
I did think it a bit amusing that a male dominated business was trying to attract customers and empathy by reminding the world that they too cared about the racks of women everywhere. After all, that's what community is all about. Right?